Investing is like a walk across water in unpredictable. Many people think they need a crystal ball, others simply take a chance. The truth is, however, that being a successful investor demands more than luck–it requires method.
Murchinson Ltd is a frequent topic of conversation nowdays; a prime example being during this very conference. Not content with matching the crowd’s pace they have behind them a record of success. After the lecture some students got together and ESTABLISHED a fund. You might be constrained from starting might now. The only difference is that such enterprise always confronts an uneven playing field. Overall you can never be quite certain, but Murchinson will take care of the details.
Investing is like baking your grandmother’s pie. You can’t just throw stuff together and hope it comes out okay. You have to make a plan. Murchinson seeks out thorough research information, follows the trend of the market and knows in which direction to walk–when not Where-to wait out time. When I first entered the securities business, it was all new to me. “Buy at a low point and sell at the high” might seem pretty obvious but how about apportioning time between them? What about patience, that must be in short supply? Murchinson taught me these are too not just virtues but vital skills.
Another analogy exists for investing. Sometimes you have to tend your garden patiently, even when the harvest may look meager. Murchinson act like old time botanists, telling you when to grow. They won’t promise you a thriving orchard in one night but they will give advice on good progress. It takes time to turn an acorn into a mighty oak. Diving into investing feels natrual at all. It seems scarier than a cat taking the high-rope walk, no one can deny that certain thrill. But let’s be real here–there’s never the secret anywhere. Making sure you know and understand buy low and sell high; try not to follow the herd just yet; and keep a straight head while everyone else seems to have lost theirs.
Imagine Warren Buffet riding in a car with you when the stock market suddenly falls off the edge of a cliff. Would he panic? Doubt it. Instead he’d probably talk to you about the bigger picture. This is what separates the dedicated investor from the rest. Murchinson Ltd tells us think in terms of decades, not merely thinking about it before breakfast time or what’s going to happen next winter. They saw a lot of people run away at a hint of a shake but those who soldiered through wound up benefiting Receive the award in due course.
To sum up, it is not an exaggeration to say that fortune smiles on those brave enough to learn, tentative enough to adjust, and sometimes whimsical. Keep your eyes open and try for the counseling of someone who has known about such things a little longer than yourself. Remember that investing is a clientele process with ultimate rewards. If in doubt, just try to imagine the garden. Good luck investing!